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Fèis Bheag

Tue, Apr 11


Glasgow Gaelic School

Fèis Bheag is designed for pupils under school age. We will run 2 sessions a day: 0-3 year olds: 10.15am - 11.00am 3-5 year olds: 11.15am - 12.00pm There is an extended session on Friday for a cèilidh! Suitable for 0-5. 10.30am-11.30am All participants must be accompanied by an adult.

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Fèis Bheag
Fèis Bheag

Time & Location

Apr 11, 2023, 10:15 AM – Apr 14, 2023, 12:00 PM

Glasgow Gaelic School, 147 Berkeley St., Finnieston, Glasgow G3 7HP, UK

About the event

Ages are a guide only, all siblings welcome, but please book for each child attending.

Fèis Ghàidhlig Ghlaschu runs from 10.15am - 12pm on the 11th - 14th April.

Fèis Bheag – Fo aois-sgoile  Gheibh sgoilearan fo aois-sgoile cothrom pàirt a ghabhail ann am bùitean-obrach shònraichte còmhla ris na pàrantan/neach-cùraim aca. Coltach ri Feis Mheadhan, bidh sgoilearan a’ gabhail pàirt ann an sreath chur-seachadan le geamaichean, dràma agus seinn. Tha na bùitean-obrach saor an asgaidh ach feumaidh tu àite fhaighinn ro-làimh.

Fèis Bheag – Under school age Fèis Bheag participants (under school age) will get an opportunity to take part in different workshops alongside their parents/guardians. Similar to Fèis Mheadhan, participants will take part in different activities, including games, drama and singing. These workshops are free but need to be booked in advance.

We will run 2 sessions a day:

0-3 year olds: 10.15am - 11.00am

3-5 year olds: 11.15am - 12.00pm

There is an extended session on Friday for a cèilidh! Suitable for 0-5. 10.30am-11.30am

All participants must be accompanied by an adult.

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